Thursday 28 May 2009

Drumbeat work experience


Chris and I have found out that we have won the work placement in Manchester! They chose us because because they said that our three different ideas; the widget pig, the christmas TV and the wrapping paper, made them smile and laugh, which made me happy because that was our aim to make something happy, funny and witty for the company.

Sadly, there was not enough time to do the work experience before Christmas, due to Drum Beat’s huge work load before Christmas (expected really! considering that they will be designing and printing christmas cards like mad for their clients) Therefore, we are going up on the 15th December with Adam, to meet the team, and organise the work experience for January next year, which is really exciting!

We might be going as soon as the 2nd week in January!

In all, this shows that Chris and I work really well as a team, because we bring different strengths to the table, and we develop ideas more successfully as a team, so we have decided that we will work on future briefs together.

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