Thursday 28 May 2009

Drumbeat work experience- Part 2

 The project was to redesign a gossip website, that is targeted on “ Gays and Girls”. This was my favourite project that I did on my work experience at Drumbeat. While looking at the current website, I got an idea what they were looking for, as the current website was quite presumptuous to say the least, with elements of adult content.

The brief was quite detailed in what the client wanted. One of the major pointers from the client was that there had to be at least four different spaces on each page for advertising. At first I found that this was a difficult element to for-fill, so I looked at how other websites fitted the content around the advertisements. The most impressive website, that had by far the most adverts on one single page, was with 9 adverts. Looking at these websites gave me an idea of what the client wanted.

When I started to design the website, I tried to use the “” logo as a starting point, by using red colour of the logo. I then decided that the website that I had started to design looked too much like the old website, so I decided to change the colour of the logo very slightly, from the brash looking red, to a dark pink. I think that this also updated the logo somewhat.

The final website pages that I designed, ticked all the boxes on the brief, and had the cheeky factor that the client wanted. The “join our gang” box at the top of the page, next to the kitten in the frame works well, as the yellow star contrasts the pink, and this catches your eye. Also the ‘block’ of advert space down the right side of the page, gives the client plenty of room for his adverts.

  I think that I have used too many different fonts on the website, and next time I would limit  myself up to 3 different fonts. Also I would research on different fonts that are used on websites, and how this effects the eligibility. 

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