Monday 15 December 2008

Creating a Website

I really want to make a website as part of my professional studies. I want to make a simple website, either in flash or as a wordpress document, and show content such as contact details, digital portfolio with a gallery of photos. I want it to be based on work that I have completed, and have a quirky look, nothings that's already been done.
I have two basic ideas, one being minimalistic and clean cut, and the other being extremely colourful with loads of textures.
I have been looking at various websites looking at them, seeing what I like and don't like about them.
Here is a list of websites I have been looking at;

I love this one,because it is so colourful, it really shows individuality!

Processing Monsters, I just like how simple the website is, I also like how interactive it is with the user.

I like the flash intro to Baron & Baron's website, I also like the minimalistic  look, because it doesn't take away the eye from the content e.g. the images in the gallery don't compete with the menus

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