Thursday 28 May 2009

Drumbeat work experience- part 3

QR codes 

This brief was a one day brief, and was given to us by Tim from Drumbeat. Our brief was to research about QR Codes, and the mobile internet, and to produce a 15 minute presentation to the Drumbeat Staff at 5pm. Until when I started researching about QR Codes, I had never heard about them before.

Chris and I produced the presentation together, Chris focused on Smartphones, WiFi and 3G, and I focused on Wifi Hotspots, The cloud, and uses of QR Codes.

Producing this presentation, gained me valuable information about QR Codes, a 2D barcode, that can be used on items from posters to T-Shirts. The unique point about this barcode is that you can take a picture of it with the camera of your phone, and it will automatically direct you to a website. This is a very new technology is this country, though it is starting to be more widely used. 

QR codes are soon going to be encorporated into many aspects of design, and thanks to Drumbeat, I have learnt about how effective they can be in advertising.

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