Thursday 28 May 2009

Drumbeat work experience- Part 1

This was the first brief that I did on my work experience at Drumbeat. This brief was from Manchester Jewellers Network, and contains several different things that they wanted to be designed. All these items are for their annual exhibition, this year’s exhibition is called “Articles of Hope, Adornments of Justice” and was based on human rights. I focused on the brief for the postcard that they were going to send out to the public, advertising the exhibition.

I found that the brief guidelines were very vague, and felt that Manchester Jewellers network didn’t provide us with the relevant content, or images, and therefore I found this a difficult brief to complete.

I found some images of the work that they were going to exhibit on their website, and designed my postcard around them. I also tried in incorporating the amnesty international’s logo into the design, as they were sponsoring the event.

In all I was disappointed in how little I could do with this brief. I think that the client themselves didn’t know what they wanted, and therefore this made it harder to try and design something for them. I think that sometimes I am going to cross clients like these when I am in the real world, and I think that this was a good learning process for me to work out issues such as these, and to come up with some designs for the client.

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