Thursday 28 May 2009

WASCO brief

This brief was to redesign a leaflet and a logo for Wales Association of Self Catering Operators. The old leaflet looked extremely out of date, and WASCO wanted a fresh, up to date brochure, with a new logo. 

I only had two days to design this leaflet, and this was a good test for me to work under pressure, having already several other briefs to complete. I started with the logo, and selected a vector image of a house with green hills. I changed the colour slightly, to a nicer colour green, and taking away the drop shadow, and added text underneath the logo.

I carried on the green theme throughout the leaflet, as I thought that this would link the brochure to the logo well. I also managed to fit in all the content, including the membership form onto the leaflet, which was one of the requirements of the brief.

I have recently found out that I won the brief. WASCO have since come back with several elements of the leaflet that needs to be changed. In completing this brief, I have learnt how to use new tools on Illustrator, and In Design.

Links to the website;

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