Thursday 9 October 2008

PDP Professional Development Profile

These are the notes I wrote during our lecture on our PDP this morning, these are points that stuck out for me the most. Last year I don't think that I used my PDP Blog enough, therefore my marks and my general work suffered because of this. I also think That I didn't use my blog enough last year also because I wasn't clear on what I had to put on my blog, but I fully understand now, thanks to this morning's Lecture.

This Year I aim; to update my blogs regularly, and to create blogs for all my work and research that I participate in this year. 

Lecture Notes

The Primary objective for PDP's is to improve the capacity of individuals to understand what and how they are learning

Processes of PDP can be broken down as follows;
  • Self Awareness- how do I rate my skills? Aspects of what employers look for, employ ability skills such as confidence.
  • Reflection- learning through reflection, taking stock and focusing your skills and making yourself stand out.
  • Action Planning- Plotting your career route. completing a PDP action plan. This should include goals.
  • Compile- compile a personal development 

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